Kanye Live: Futuro-epic horror show / Janelle Monae: Cyberbabe 2000

I've talked to a couple of people about this video now. It's from VH1's Storytellers and I guess it's a pretty good approximation of how Kanye's been performing the 808s and Heartbreak stuff on the road. Watch for long enough and you'll catch plenty of fro-hawk, back-up singer in shiny robotech dress, and a shit-ton of stunner shades. The thing I really like about Kanye, I guess, is that he just completely does whatever he feels like.

Oh, and here's this video from Janelle Monae, who I like a lot because her music is weird and thematically obsessed with robotics. Open call to area musicians: I'm trying to write an R&B fantasy epic. Any takers?


We can rebuild it (music).